
Self Introductions


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Being able to introduce yourself is one of the most important skills you will need to acquire to be successful in a second language.
SUAC Majors

International Culture

Regional Cultural Policy & Management

Art Management

Industrial Design

Media Design

Space and Architecture

Introduce yourself . . .

When you meet people for the first time, it’s good to let them know some things about yourself. Fill in the spaces below with information about your life. If there is any information you do not want to share, leave the space blank.

About yourself

My name is ____________________________________.

I’m a student at ____________________. I’m majoring in __________________.

I’m originally from ____________________ but now I live in ________________.


I live in ____________________________________________________________.

About your family

I have _________ brothers and _________ sisters.
OR I am an only child.

My father is a____________________. My mother is a ____________________.

A little more about yourself

On weekends . . . like to _______________________.


In my free time . . . like to _______________________.

I also have a part time job. I work at _________________________.


I’m a member of the _________________________ club/circle.

About your future

In the future I hope to ____________________________________________.

Take me back to English Communication 1.