
Story Telling


What do you think is happening
in the pictures?

1. Where were these photos taken?
These photos were taken ____________________________________________ .

2. Who is/are the main character(s) in the photos?
The main character(s) is/are _________________________________________ .

3. What happened before these photos were taken?
Before these photos were taken _______________________________________ .

4. What happened after these photos were taken?
After these photos were taken ________________________________________ .
What makes a good story?

When telling a story you need to think about these things:

1st - Where does the story take place? Or what is the setting of the story?

2nd - Who is/are the main character(s) of the story?

3rd - What is the problem that the main character(s) have to overcome?

4th - How does/do the main character(s) overcome the problem? What is the solution to the problem?

Tell the beginning, middle, and end of the story (logical order)

Retell the events in sequential order (first, second, after that, then, next, finally)

Include details (adjectives & adverbs)

Relate to background information (cultural setting or common knowledge)

Take me to some story examples.

Take me back to English Communication 3.